The Beeline
The TVBC events and information for the month
July 2022
Monthly TVBC Meeting
Tuesday, July 26th , 6:30-8:30
Eagles Lodge
Jr. Bee Club at Same Time and Location
Mite Busters
The webpage is still being updated, but the process is the same. Until mites are no longer a threat, the process will
ALWAYS remain the same. Mite counts for Aug/Sep/Oct will earn you a shirt and a chance at bigger prizes. This is your
opportunity to get rewarded for doing what every good beekeeper should do anyway.
Upcoming Events
Boise Young Professionals Presentation
August 10, 5:30 pm The Bench STIL (13 S. Latah St)
Tasha and Josh Presenting
Get an ice cream while you’re at it!
Western Idaho Fair
August 19 – 28 Fairgrounds in Garden City
This is your opportunity to work the booth at the fair and an excellent way to learn about bees. We team up
experienced keepers with new folks, so please don’t feel you aren’t qualified. You're a great candidate if you like talking
with people and helping kids find the queen in an observation hive. Megan will be forwarding a spreadsheet this month
for time/date signups. Shifts are three hours each, and you get free entry to the fair.
You can also enter your honey into the fair for the possibility of winning a blue ribbon. This year honey is the crop of the year! Judging info:
Bug Days
August 20 10 :00 – 3:00 Idaho Botanical Gardens
A great time for kids and adults alike. This will be your first chance to talk with Cameron Jack, our featured speaker for
the day.
Idaho Honey Day
August 20 1:00 & 3:00 BSU Student Union Rooftop Room
Cameron Jack will give two talks and a hive inspection walk-through. The first talk at 1:00 will be on “how to survive
your first year in beekeeping.” He will then perform a hive inspection outside while we all get to listen to him behind a
glass wall. No bee suits required! His second talk will be on an advanced topic of his choosing. As he’s doing some
pretty cutting-edge stuff, it will be good.
Journey Testing
August 20, 8:00 am Jim McMahon’s Apiary (only for Journey students)
Tuesday, July 26th , 6:30-8:30
Eagles Lodge
Jr. Bee Club at Same Time and Location
Mite Busters
The webpage is still being updated, but the process is the same. Until mites are no longer a threat, the process will
ALWAYS remain the same. Mite counts for Aug/Sep/Oct will earn you a shirt and a chance at bigger prizes. This is your
opportunity to get rewarded for doing what every good beekeeper should do anyway.
Upcoming Events
Boise Young Professionals Presentation
August 10, 5:30 pm The Bench STIL (13 S. Latah St)
Tasha and Josh Presenting
Get an ice cream while you’re at it!
Western Idaho Fair
August 19 – 28 Fairgrounds in Garden City
This is your opportunity to work the booth at the fair and an excellent way to learn about bees. We team up
experienced keepers with new folks, so please don’t feel you aren’t qualified. You're a great candidate if you like talking
with people and helping kids find the queen in an observation hive. Megan will be forwarding a spreadsheet this month
for time/date signups. Shifts are three hours each, and you get free entry to the fair.
You can also enter your honey into the fair for the possibility of winning a blue ribbon. This year honey is the crop of the year! Judging info:
Bug Days
August 20 10 :00 – 3:00 Idaho Botanical Gardens
A great time for kids and adults alike. This will be your first chance to talk with Cameron Jack, our featured speaker for
the day.
Idaho Honey Day
August 20 1:00 & 3:00 BSU Student Union Rooftop Room
Cameron Jack will give two talks and a hive inspection walk-through. The first talk at 1:00 will be on “how to survive
your first year in beekeeping.” He will then perform a hive inspection outside while we all get to listen to him behind a
glass wall. No bee suits required! His second talk will be on an advanced topic of his choosing. As he’s doing some
pretty cutting-edge stuff, it will be good.
Journey Testing
August 20, 8:00 am Jim McMahon’s Apiary (only for Journey students)
April 2022
Monthly TVBC Meeting
Tuesday, April 26th, 6:30-8:30
Eagles Lodge
No Jr. Bee Club
Honey Store
The club will have coffee, donuts, and bagels from 8 am – 11 am. Stop by for package install demos and talk bees, even
if you don’t have a package on order. 2330 Hwy 30 W, Fruitland, ID
It’s that time again. Please get your dues in – online, in person, or by mail
Package, Nuc & Queen Orders
Mike Morrison – (208) 863-6983
Nuc Orders
Steve Sweet / Kevin Duesman
Website Scavenger Hunt Questions
Jennifer Berry has done significant research on the best way to use Oxalic Acid (OA) treatments. All questions are from a
short (14 minute) video she did with Bob Binnie on her results. It has completely changed the way I use OA.
1. What does BBOA stand for?
2. What was her standard Oxalic Acid (OA) protocol (days between, how many applications)?
3. What were the results of her standard protocol?
4. Give reasons two beekeepers using the same treatment would see different results.
5. How long did Cameron Jack keep his queens caged, and what problem did he see?
6. How many days did Jennifer isolate her queens?
7. What is the range of days from egg to emergence for worker bees? (Hint – it ain’t just 21 days)
8. What does IPM stand for?
9. What gram per box dose of OA do they use?
10. What was the increase of mite kill seen with a brood break?
Tuesday, April 26th, 6:30-8:30
Eagles Lodge
No Jr. Bee Club
Honey Store
The club will have coffee, donuts, and bagels from 8 am – 11 am. Stop by for package install demos and talk bees, even
if you don’t have a package on order. 2330 Hwy 30 W, Fruitland, ID
It’s that time again. Please get your dues in – online, in person, or by mail
Package, Nuc & Queen Orders
Mike Morrison – (208) 863-6983
- Packages $160, Available April 9th
- Queens $27, Available April 9th
- Nucs $175, Available May 5th
Nuc Orders
Steve Sweet / Kevin Duesman
- Pickup Saturday, April 2nd, 6:30–7:30 AM and 8:30–9:30 PM
- Pickup Sunday, April 3rd, 8:30–9:30 PM
Website Scavenger Hunt Questions
Jennifer Berry has done significant research on the best way to use Oxalic Acid (OA) treatments. All questions are from a
short (14 minute) video she did with Bob Binnie on her results. It has completely changed the way I use OA.
1. What does BBOA stand for?
2. What was her standard Oxalic Acid (OA) protocol (days between, how many applications)?
3. What were the results of her standard protocol?
4. Give reasons two beekeepers using the same treatment would see different results.
5. How long did Cameron Jack keep his queens caged, and what problem did he see?
6. How many days did Jennifer isolate her queens?
7. What is the range of days from egg to emergence for worker bees? (Hint – it ain’t just 21 days)
8. What does IPM stand for?
9. What gram per box dose of OA do they use?
10. What was the increase of mite kill seen with a brood break?
March 2022
Build It – Hive Building Classes
February 26th Bring Your Kit and Build it With Help Jim McMahon’s Place
See calendar
Monthly TVBC Meeting
Fourth Tuesday of the Month, 6:30-8:30 Eagles Lodge Jr. Bee Club at Same Time and Location. The meeting will also be on zoom - check the calendar
See calendar
It’s that time again. Please get your dues in – online, in person or by mail
Join the club
February 26th Bring Your Kit and Build it With Help Jim McMahon’s Place
See calendar
Monthly TVBC Meeting
Fourth Tuesday of the Month, 6:30-8:30 Eagles Lodge Jr. Bee Club at Same Time and Location. The meeting will also be on zoom - check the calendar
See calendar
It’s that time again. Please get your dues in – online, in person or by mail
Join the club
Package, Nuc & Queen Orders
Mike Morrison – (208) 863-6983 Packages $160, Available April 9th. Queens $27, Available April 9th. Nucs $175, Available May 5th
Steve Sweet / Kevin Duesman –
Website Scavenger Hunt Questions
This month's website –Scientific Beekeeping, First Year Beekeeping -
How to play: Download the file, answer the questions and turn in at the next meeting for two free raffle tickets!
This month's website –Scientific Beekeeping, First Year Beekeeping -
How to play: Download the file, answer the questions and turn in at the next meeting for two free raffle tickets!

March 2022 Scavenger Hunt |
January 2022
Community Ed Backyard Beekeeping Classes
Jan 27, Feb 1, Feb 9 West Jr. High – 6:00 – 8:30 pm
More class information
Build It – Hive Building Classes
February 19 Demo Hive Build Kevin Duesman’s Place
February 26th Bring Your Kit and Build it With Help Jim McMahon’s Place
See calendar
Monthly TVBC Meeting
Tuesday, January 25th 6:30-8:30 Eagles Lodge Jr. Bee Club at Same Time and Location
It’s that time again. Please get your dues in – online, in person or by mail
Join the club
Jan 27, Feb 1, Feb 9 West Jr. High – 6:00 – 8:30 pm
More class information
Build It – Hive Building Classes
February 19 Demo Hive Build Kevin Duesman’s Place
February 26th Bring Your Kit and Build it With Help Jim McMahon’s Place
See calendar
Monthly TVBC Meeting
Tuesday, January 25th 6:30-8:30 Eagles Lodge Jr. Bee Club at Same Time and Location
It’s that time again. Please get your dues in – online, in person or by mail
Join the club
Package, Nuc & Queen Orders
Mike Morrison – (208) 863-6983 Packages $160, Available April 9th. Queens $27, Available April 9th. Nucs $175, Available May 5th
Steve Sweet / Kevin Duesman –
Website Scavenger Hunt Questions
This month's website – Our very own TVBC website:
How to play: Download the file, answer the questions and turn in at the next meeting for a prize! You can also email in your answers to [email protected].
This month's website – Our very own TVBC website:
How to play: Download the file, answer the questions and turn in at the next meeting for a prize! You can also email in your answers to [email protected].

TVBC Scavenger Hunt |